Tel: 01747828523

Mobile: 07549654964

Customer Reviews

Here you can read some reviews provided by our customers. If you would like to leave us a review, please do so on our social media pages. You can also click on the link below to see some photos of our work:

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" Shaun did a lot of electrical work for us from rewiring, hanging lights, installing outside lights, additional plugs and making our house safe. he was always on time, hardworking, friendly and neat and tidy. very affordable, excellent workmanship. would highly recommend. "

Tony Mulcahy


" I've worked alongside him and I've seen how hard he works and to what level!! He ALWAYS tidies up after himself too!! "

Michelle Amanda Everitt


" Done loads of jobs for me over the last couple of years, everything always first class. Fast tidy reliable worker. "

Mark Mcluskey


" Good electrician, quick and tidy worker. Was a pleasure to work with. Highly recommended. "

Stu Barfoot


" Would highly recommend Shaun, very reliable and efficient all round electrician. "

Diane Price


" Very good electrician, neat and tidy work always. "

Liam Duncan


For more information about the electrical services we provide, please get in touch now by giving us a call on 07549654964 or by clicking the link below to view our contact page where you can send us an enquiry online.
